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I was talking to a soldier US Benjamin Rose.. from badoo 2019 on hangouts. Said he had two daughters at a military school in nevada, his wife & parents were dead, he was based in Sydney on a secret mission training then was deployed to Afghanistan…he sent me many wonderful long messages on email…he was a dream come true… But I was suspicious, I educated myself about the Hannah Montana Smoking Weed Shirt in contrast I will get this army & afghanistan bases, then ask questions to try & fish out answer’s that don’t make sense… I also googled samples of scam letters then found the proof I needed, identical letter he sent but with certain words changed to match his stories… like he had a grandmother in France & a house he was left from his late father…when I knew the truth, I asked him what base he was at, he said Bagram, but also said the base was not permanent as the base may be compromised… I asked him as a test, can I send you money, he replied, yes money is tight but he didn’t need it now cos busy on the battle field, he then also said money doesn’t get sent to the base directly, it gets sent through a military agency for dispatch, then he said there are still so many things I need to fill you in on… So they don’t ask for money until they get your trust, can take months/a year…they get the money sent through a Western Union I read.. Most are cons from Nigeria, watch a video on you tube…They will call you their Angel, my heart, my heartbeat, my joy, my dear. Ect. They even tell you to be careful of scams on Facebook ect.. Please & please be careful my dear. Even after I sent him the messages I found.. He still wouldn’t amit to being fake, he must of been hacked he said… He said after deployment he is going to come for me prove he is real, wish he was but he isn’t real… Don’t get sucked in.. They are good at what they do, but use your intuition, cos that’s how I figured it out after two months, by then l already loved the Benjamin Rose, but be real, even if the truth hurts.. Wish l could meet a real soldier.. But next time, if there is a next time.. l’ll know better to get solid proof.. If they can’t do that they are lying. But be careful of what proof you ask for, google what is fake, they have many excuses to avoid the truth & suck you in. Love hurts.

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