Whatever the Harden Is One Of 24 Players In NBA History To Score At Least 25K Points Shirt But I will love this story… he can’t accept that kind of life or future for his child. And I finally find a spark of respect for him. Knowing his story and figuring it out, I can’t say for sure, but I think gullible and narrow visioned people stuck in mediocrity seek glory and passion in this extremism. An inner world inside their minds where they are this super hero who is actually secretly saving the world and serving a higher purpose in being extremist or fundamentalist. And being promised something (heavenly and earthly wealth) and sexual gratification without socially imposed guilt, ability in indulge in violence redressed as justice and faith… it’s a heady drug. It lures, it traps and some ppl have no clue. Some ppl get the hint early on. Some ppl realise when it’s too late. But there is your answer. It’s a drug that suspends tour logic and belief in humane decency and allows you to shed all inhibition and be as bad as you want to be. Coz it’s not bad in that context.