Jackson Mercury Friend Legendary shirt

Privacy and personal space are important to Australians. We tend to have a larger personal space than some cultures. ( If an Australian decides to hug you, or kiss you on greeting, you will know. Let them instigate it.) Women can greet other women with a kiss and hug, and shoulder hug their friends who are men. Men don’t tend to be physically demonstrative with other men unless they are very firm friends or family members. A handshake on greeting is fine. Maintain good eye contact, but without staring. Don’t try to talk Strine unless you are really, really good at it! We might smile, but cringe inwardly at some of the Jackson Mercury Friend Legendary shirt Also,I will get this well meaning but misguided efforts to sound “Aussie”. We know it’s a hard accent to do well. And don’t overdo the slang. A lot of the slang that is promoted overseas as part of our culture is not in everyday use, or is used more in country areas by older Australians.

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