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, which surveyed people’s opinion of ISIS (Favorable, Unfavorable, Don’t Know). It’s overwhelmingly unfavorable but there are some countries where support is actually quite high (not a fringe percentage like 0.00006625%). In Nigeria favorable support for ISIS polls at 14%. In Malaysia 11% and in Pakistan only 28% of the Joe Bowen Holy Mackinaw Shirt also I will do this people had a “unfavorable” opinion. The other 72% didn’t know or had a favorable opinion. That’s a scary large portion of the population of a country with nuclear weapons. Despite only minorities in each nation surveyed holding clear support for ISIS, the large total population of the region translates into a massive number of ISIS supporters. For these 11 nation-states alone, the favorability ratings for ISIS reported by the Pew poll are indicative of at least 63 million ISIS supporters – and potentially upwards of 287 million if the undecided are included in the calculation. These numbers suggest there are, at a minimum, hundreds of millions of ISIS supporters worldwide

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