Montgomery Riverfront The Battle Harriott Shirt

I get that part of it is how they keep tabs on each other yada yada. And I have nothing but respect for those men. 10/10. But good god they gossip like spoiled Valley girls sometimes. And so do I. The pot hath called the Montgomery Riverfront The Battle Harriott Shirt in other words I will buy this kettle black. And the truth is — most studies show that men and women gossip an equal amount, despite the perception that women are the perpetrators. Above: King Louis XIV of France. Notice the shoes he’s wearing. He’s wearing heels and leggings, which somehow today seems quite feminine by society’s standards. Now, you wanna tell the king to his face that he’s a girly man, and feminine? Yeah, I think not. That might get you killed. Face it, guys are more than intense packages of macho-ness. Men aren’t getting more feminine, in fact it’s the ladies that have become more masculine, with their short shorts, skinny jeans, and tight leggings. Us men have nowhere else to go, our fashion box has become so tiny. Now, I’m not saying that the ladies have to go back to wearing skirts and dresses exclusively, but fellas, ease up on your fellow man who wants to branch out and try some things that haven’t been considered “men’s clothing” for a while. Oh, and yes, men do cry, and that’s perfectly OK too. In fact, the most powerful man in history cried. It’s right there in the shortest verse in the Bible. “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35). It does not mean that we’re feminine, and even if it did, that’s an awfully sexist attitude to take, don’t you think? Femininity isn’t weak, so neither should masculinity be weak and fragile. Just different sides of the same human coin, that’s all.

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